The idea
So, I realize, I actually don’t know how to play solitaire. So, here I am going to do some research. Starting with… This video!:
Sooooooooooo, solitaire is more complex than I realize.
However, at its core, solitaire is taking a deck of cards and sorting them into their various suits in order from least to greatest; With some caveats:
- Each card among 7 piles can only be placed on an opposite color card or be moved into the foundation pile (the core sorting of the 4 suits).
- You can only pick up a card from the lowest stack in the pile.
- You can pull a card down from the foundation pile to help you stack.
To setup the initial 7 piles, you place down one card at a time forming the beginning of the stack. Then you move on stack over and begin to place the next 6 cards. Then do the same doing the next 5 cards and so on. Once you get to the final card you leave the stack of cards to slowly pull from to move the game along.
What’s needed
To form the foundation of the game you need the folowing items to make a bare minimum playable game.
- Movable cards
- A deck
- Randomized
- Pullable (Take out cards)
- 52 Individual Cards With Suits
- A basic win state
The Mouse
The mouse has multiple qualities that can be controlled for inputs and outputs.
The inputs include:
- The buttons
- The mouse sensor The outputs include:
- The button states
- The mouse position
Solitiare is very boring and it’s too complex to solve. So, I’m leaving this under hiatus until I can have an easier time working on this or if I suddenly feel like torturing myself.